BEE Exempt Micro-Enterprise Affidavit | BEE Affidavit Template | BEE Certificate for Small Business

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BEE Exempt Micro-Enterprise Affidavit

For a business with a turnover of less than R10 million per annum, a B-BBEE certificate is not required by law. In this regard, an Exempt-Micro Enterprise Affidavit (EME Affidavit) serves as the B-BBEE certificate. Business owners may depose (sign) to an EME Affidavit, signed by a Commissioner of Oaths, and have that function as the BEE Certificate.

How does it work?

When you start the questionnaire, you will be guided through the questions with the helping hand of explanations and additional information. Based on your answers, the BEE Exempt Micro-Enterprise Affidavit will be tailor-made by our system. If you log in or create an account, you can also save the progress of the questionnaire and come back later.


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